Paul Clevett
1 min readFeb 23, 2021


I sold my Apple shares at the end of last week. The MACD was turning down but I did not expect what happened today. With a total drop from 142.50 down to around the 120.00 mark. I don’t notice the same people that use the word CRASH to describe Bitcoin dropping coming forward with the same analysis.

I’m interested In getting back in but I need to see more. In my last post, I expressed how worried I was about the M1 chip that Apple has launched. I’m concerned about software support and moving away from the Intel class of processors. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Mac but I’m equally in love with my Pop OS (Linux) Gaming PC. It’s just superb.

I’m getting more and more tempted to move this MacBook pro-2016 I have to Linux. There are however some software packages I have that only run on Mac — the same issue that we have moving windows users over.

I’m thinking Apple Shares could drop as low as $80!

Perhaps it will rebound at that level. But shorting is a good plan to that level if it is planning to move that low over the next few months.

Definitely tempted to short looking for $80 per share at this stage. I may enter a trade Friday but I want to see if this is a temporary blip or a sign of things to come.

